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貓熊生不出來 英國要退貨回中國 Britain is returning infertile pandas to China

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Giant pandas Yang Guang and Tian Tian are set to be sent back to China after spending 11 years at Edinburgh Zoo. This comes as the couple failed to breed all these years. The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland is planning to give the two pandas a great send off.

Since the two pandas arrived in Scotland in 2011, they have been incredibly popular with visitors as the UK’s only giant pandas. Though the breeding did not pay off, the zoo has had many successes in terms of technique exchanges, scientific research and public engagement.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說:

英國蘇格蘭愛丁堡動物園表示,中國出借給英國的大熊貓「陽光」和「甜甜」,經過11年的努力,依然無法繁衍出後代,今年租約到期後,將於年底被送回中國。 蘇格蘭皇家動物學會表示,在「陽光」及「甜甜」今年離開英國前,將計劃為這兩隻大熊貓舉辦盛大的歡送會。

「陽光」及「甜甜」在2011 年來到蘇格蘭,一直深受旅客喜愛,牠們更是英國國內唯二的兩隻大熊貓。雖然始終無法順利繁衍,但愛丁堡動物園表示在技術交流、科學研究和公眾參與等方面,取得了很多進步,讓英國本地的熊貓研究更完整。

輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:

send off本文作為名詞使用,有時會在中間加上連字號send-off,或是連在一起sendoff,意思就是「送行」,也可以說farewell,例句:

  • We’ll have to give her a good send-off when she leaves the office. 她離職的時候,我們得為她舉辦一個像樣的道別會。

當動詞使用時,send someone off則有「罰(某人)下場」的意思,例句:

  • He was sent off for swearing at the referee. 他因辱罵裁判而被罰下場。


  • breed (v.) 繁衍
  • incredibly (adv.) 難以置信地
  • pay off 成功
  • technique (n.) 技術
  • engagement (n.) 參與

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