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你心目中的完美工作是什麼?What Is a Perfect Job for you?

Article/ T Ediitor

Some firms are pulling out all the stops to find recruits – and hang on to existing staff. What do they offer? A personalized working schedule and a tailored salary package.

First, customized compensation is big in the US. Employers, including Netflix. They let their employees decide how they get paid. Some firms even let their employees convert unused holidays into money for a retirement plan or student loan repayments.

Also, Hybrid working – choosing when and how often you come into the office is also catching on. Some have introduced a four-day workweek. In Australia, several companies will reduce the working week by 20% this year.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說:


首先,量身打造的薪資待遇在美國已是趨勢,包括 Netflix等大公司都在這樣做。他們讓員工決定如何獲得薪資,一些公司甚至允許他們的員工將未使用的假期轉換為退休計劃或償還學生貸款的資金。

此外,混合式辦公,也就是可自行選擇來辦公室的時間和頻率,也是目前的趨勢。有些公司已開始實行了一週只要工作四天的制度。在澳洲,幾家公司今年更計畫將減少 20%的工作週數。


輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:

pull out all the stops意思就是「全力以赴,竭盡所能」,例句:

  • They pulled out all the stops for their daughter’s wedding. 他們全力以赴籌備女兒的婚禮。
  • We’re going to pull out all the stops to win the contract. 我們將全力以赴爭取這項合約


  • Recruit (n.) 新成員
  • personalized (adj.) 個人化的
  • tailored (adj.) 訂製的
  • convert (v.) 轉換
  • Hybrid (n.) 混合式

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