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不畏疫情!25萬人共襄盛舉,為期六天的台北國際書展在6/7圓滿落幕 The six-day TiBE concluded with a turnout of 250,000 on June

Article/ T Ediitor

The 30th Taipei International Book Exhibition wrapped up on June 7. 364 domestic and foreign publishers from 31 countries exhibited at the book fair this year. The six-day event attracted a turnout of 250,000 book-lovers, which is 60% of the turnout at the first physical event since 2019, but still a better-than-expected record amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Taipei Book Fair Foundation held the event with the Ministry of Culture. It organized sixty-one talks and four seminars, both in-person and virtual, during the book fair. The event will continue to exhibit at more than 200 libraries across the country till June 30, displaying award-winning books and a collection of selected publications.

The TiBE had been held every two years beginning in 1987 and became an annual event in 1998.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說:

第三十屆台北國際書展(The Taipei International Book Exhibition, TiBE )在六月七日圓滿落幕。今年總計有來自31個不同國家、364家國內外出版商參與展出。此次為期六天的書展,總計吸引了25萬名愛書人入場,雖然這個入場人數只有2019年的六成,但在近來COVID-19疫情延燒期間,這仍是超乎預期的好成績。



輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:

wrap 單獨做動詞使用時,是「包、裹」的意思。當我們說 wrap sth up 或 wrap up sth 的時候,可以單純指「把…包起來」,也可以當作非正式的口語表達「某件事結束、圓滿落幕」的意思。

It’s time to wrap up the meeting. 差不多是時候可以結束會議了。


  • conclude (v.) 結束
  • exhibition (n.) 展覽。exhibit (v.) 展出
  • turnout (n.) 到場人數
  • in-person (adj.) 親自、當面
  • display (v.) 展示

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