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別過度擔心!雖然疫情緊張,但桃園現在還不需要封城Still not necessary to lock down Taoyuan at this time

Article/ T Ediitor

Since a domestic cluster began after two medical employees tested positive at Taoyuan General Hospital (TGH) on Jan 11, the number of confirmed cases linked to the cluster has been growing day by day. Some people are worried about community infection and have requested that the government lock down Taoyuan.

However, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) said that Taoyuan is still far from a citywide lockdown. According to CECC, the cluster at TGH falls under the first alert level, which is a small outbreak caused by imported cases.

A full lockdown will not be implemented until the final 4th level alert is issued, when the 14-day average of COVID-19 cases exceeds 100 cases and more than half are infected by unknown sources. CECC urges the public to continue to maintain social distancing and practice personal hygiene.






far from有幾層不同的意思:

  • 遠離(接地點)。例句:He lives far from the company. 他住得離公司很遠。
  • 程度上還差很遠、或是更極端的「絕不」。例句:My dad is far from kind. 我爸一點都不和藹可親。
  • 非但…還。例句:Far from winning the league championship, the team lost every game this season. 非但沒能贏得聯賽冠軍,這支球隊本季每場比賽都輸球。


  • lock down (v.) 封鎖;lockdown (n.) 封鎖
  • cluster (n.) 群
  • exceed (v.) 超過數量/範圍
  • hygiene (n.) 衛生

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