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封鎖太久變害羞?水族館邀請大家來跟鰻魚FaceTime !Tokyo Aquarium Is Inviting People to FaceTime Its Eels

Article/ T Ediitor

An aquarium in Tokyo has been closed since March 1 due to the pandemic. After the months-long lockdown, the staff has been noticing that their eels have become too shy to interact with humans.

The staff posted videos showing the 300 eels burying themselves in sand whenever people approached. They guess the lockdown is also hurting the animals’ human interaction skills. Now, the aquarium is inviting the public to FaceTime the eels. They have set up five tablets along the tank where virtual visitors will be displayed. Each visitor gets up to five minutes with the eels.


由於疫情影響,日本東京一家水族館從 3 月 1 日起關閉,禁止大眾參觀。沒想到在經過長達數月的隔離封鎖後,這家水族館員工發現,鰻魚與人類的互動能力竟然受到影響!


該怎麼辦呢?既然現階段大家多半出不了門,水族館乾脆邀請大家跟鰻魚 FaceTime,好協助他們適應人類。他們在水箱上設置五個平板,有興趣的「虛擬訪客」們則可以指定時段內,透過視訊電話與鰻魚面對面長達 5 分鐘。


lockdown 是在疫情期間常看到的單字,指的是「封鎖」,動詞要加 on,例如:to impose a blockdown on 國家、城市、地區等。

封鎖期間,人與人要怎麼互動呢?可以透過 iPhone 的視訊電話 FaceTime,這個詞可直接當作動詞,例如:I would like to FaceTime you.


  • aquarium (n.) 水族館
  • tank (n.) 水箱
  • eel (n.) 鰻魚
  • tablet (n.) 平板

例句:The mayor is imposing a lockdown on the city due to the pandemic.

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