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看時事學英語》Mass Counterfeit Alcohol Poisoning

Article/ T Ediitor

Counterfeit alcohol has killed at least 62 people in one of Siberia’s largest cities, Irkutsk. The alcohol was made from bath lotion and was mislabeled to say it contained drinkable alcohol. The bath lotion was purchased by so many people because it cost about a third of what traditional vodka costs in the city. Numerous people were arrested for their involvement in the production of the lotion.


counterfeit (adj.) 僞造的;仿造的;假冒的
The gang was arrested for printing counterfeit money.

traditional (adj.) 傳統的
My visit to Italy was the first time I tried traditional Italian cooking.

提醒您:飲酒過量,有害 (礙) 健康。未滿十八歲禁止飲酒。



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