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親子看童話學英語系列~耶誕溫馨故事集!《 拐杖糖的由來》The Origin of the candy cane

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拐杖糖的由來  The Origin of the candy cane

There are two reasons why this candy is made in the shape of a cane. First of all, shepherds usually use a cane to herdtheir sheep. In addition, if you turn this candy cane upside down, it looks like the letterJ, which is the first letter of the word “Jesus”.

製作成柺杖的形狀,主要有兩個意義:第一,通常牧羊人在牧放羊群時,會使用柺杖來看管。另外,當你將「柺杖糖」顛倒過來,其實就是英文字母的”J”,也就是英文耶穌 Jesus 的第一個字母。





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