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♥National Revolutionary Martyrs’ Shrine 國民革命忠烈祠♥
許多外國遊客很喜歡造訪忠烈祠前的衛兵交接,近距離看到軍隊走台步會讓他們覺得很新鮮。Many foreign visitors love watching the Changing of the Guard at the National Revolutionary Martyrs’ Shrine. They consider it interesting to see the soldiers march.


♥Jianguo Holiday Flower and Jade Market 建國假日花市玉市♥
許多外國人很喜歡東方文化的事物,到這裡可以讓他們看到玉製飾品販售,還可以刻個繁體中文的印章回家 Many foreigners are fascinated with oriental culture. At the Jianguo Holiday Flower and Jade Market, they can find accessories of jade for sale, and get a chop with their name on it in traditional Chinese.


♥Wufenpu 五分埔♥
五分埔是許多外國女孩愛購買衣服的聖地,    Wufenpu is a clothing paradise for foreign girls.
不僅選擇多而且又便宜,還可以順便去饒河夜市吃小吃喔!Not only can they buy cheap clothes, but they can also have snacks at the Raohe Street Night Market.


♥Four Four South Village 四四南村♥
為全台北碩果僅存的眷村區,許多外國人都會拿著旅遊書來到這裡,甚至來拍婚紗!Four Four South Village is the only remaining military community in Taipei. Many foreigners are brought here by tour books. Some of them even have their wedding photos taken here.




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