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自稱「泡麵達人」的美國部落客Hans Lienesch經營的《The Ramen Rater》,2015年終於把台灣列入前10名了,被列為第10名的「阿舍乾麵-番茄麵」,因為裡頭的番茄醬風格獨特,有如整顆新鮮的番茄,並配上寬扁的麵條,讓他覺得這是最偉大的設計;榜單內的冠軍寶座又被馬來西亞給奪走了!

“The Ramen Rater,” a blog maintained by Hans Lienesch, an American calling himself the instant noodle king, finally gave Taiwanese instant noodles a spot in the Top Ten in 2015. Asha tomato dry noodles ranked tenth for its special tomato sauce that tastes like a whole tomato, along with wide, flat noodles, two features Lienesch found brilliant. And again, the champ was Malaysian instant noodles.


Lienesch didn’t expect Asha tomato dry noodles to make it to the top ten, but when he tasted them, he was fascinated by the wide, squishy noodles and the amazing sauce, a great combination that made him hungry, so he ranked them number ten. Malaysian noodles took five spots this time, including first place. Coming third and fifth were Singaporean noodles. Thai noodles came in eighth place, followed right behind by Japanese ones.



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