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Article/ T Ediitor


電話會議令人詬病的4點 避開這些地雷!

Businesses are more reliant on conference calls to do business than ever before, according to research conducted by market prospectors.In spite of this, 54 percent of respondents felt that their calls weren’t as effective as they could be for the following reasons:


  1. lack of etiquette (缺乏禮儀)
  2. late joiners(會議遲到的人)
  3. heavy breathers(電話中沉重的呼吸)
  4. “Houdini” disappearing acts half-way through the call (像魔術師Houdini一樣消失在電話/視訊會議中)

Remember, even if people can’t see you, they can still hear you. Apply the same
etiquette to a conference call that you would a face-to-face meeting. You wouldn’t
check your emails or start talking to someone else in the middle of a meeting, so
why would you do it on a conference call?

記住 ,即使他們無法看到你,他們仍能聽到你的聲音表情。把面對面會議的禮儀運用到電話會議中。因為你在面會面會議中,你不會不時查看emails或跟其他人講話;那為什麼在電話會議中你要這樣做?


Treat your fellow callers like an audience.
Thirty percent of workers claim to lose interest because they find other callers voices boring or annoying. As with any other presentation, conference calls need the speaker to engage with the audience and hold their attention. When speaking, try to vary the tone of your voice to help convey your message. Your energy and passion for the subject will be projected through your voice and help keep people engaged.



Give your conference call a script. Conference call participants don’t need to know
what they’re going to say word-for-word, but the meeting should have a clear structure. Creating an agenda for the call in advance will give it a clear direction and ensure that all the time is used effectively.
In addition, each call needs a moderatorwho can drive the conversation. This will not only stop the call from digressing, but also ensure that each party gets enough time to make their points.




Email out or call out to the conference team the call-in numbers and time 48 to 72 hours in advance.


For the first actual conference call, it is recommended to stand and smile during the start
of the conference call to help keep your poise.

在第一次真正的視訊會議上,禮貌性站著並保持微笑,以幫助保持你的風度 。

Dial in 5 minutes early and engage early callers in conversation. Start on time. As each participant calls in, invite them to give their first and/or last name and state or city.


First ask yourself, are the participants talking, or just listening? Who needs to be on the call? These are great questions to be clear on from the beginning. If your participants won’t literally be participating, then think about cutting your number down for simplicity and efciency. Only those fully involved in the topics to be discussed should be present.


These tips can be especially helpful when a conference call involves speakers of different languages. Many conference calls are international by nature and are plaguedby strong accents and improper grammar that make a good idea indecipherable. Don’t let a lack of training for this kind of meeting add to the frustrations you might encounter.






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