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1. 請問這兩件打折商品一起買的話,還會再額外打折嗎?

Can I get another discount if I buy the two discounted goods together?

2. 學生8月底前如果拿出學生證的話,全部商品可再享95折優惠。

Students who show their student identity card at the checkout counter by the end of August can enjoy a 5% discount on all the products in the store.

3. 在日本如果到百貨公司,持護照可以再打95折,中國信託信用卡或悠遊卡也有優惠。

You can get a 5% discount if you show your passport at the checkout counter in department stores in Japan. A China Trust credit card or an Easycard can give you discounts, too.

4. 外國旅客到這家店持信用卡消費時,可以刷卡免手續費

Foreign travelers don’t have to pay a handling charge if they pay with a credit card at the store.




1.  不好意思,這件打折商品貨架上沒有我的尺寸,請問有4號的嗎?

Excuse me. I can’t find my size on the rack. Do you have a size 4?

2. 店員:不好意思,您想要的這件裙子目前店裡沒貨,我們會幫你調貨,但要等3-5個工作天,請問可以嗎?

Clerk: Excuse me. The shirt is out of stock now. I can have one transferred, but it’ll take 3-5 days. Is that okay with you?

Customer: Yes. But I won’t pass by here tomorrow. Could you mail it to my hotel?

Clerk: Sure. Please leave your mailing address on the receipt. Thank you.


【2015/9/30 TutorABC限時機票優惠,請速把握】




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