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Q. How can I get to Central Station?   (請問中央車站怎麼走? )

A. Turn right at the first traffic light up ahead. (中央車站在前面第一個紅綠燈右轉)

Turn left at the intersection. Then you will see it.(到了十字路口之後再左轉就可以看到了。 )


A. To go to the zoo, you can get on the train at Central Station and then pass two stations to Zoo Station. From there you take the bus to the entrance to the zoo. (如果要到動物園,你可以從中央車站坐兩站到動物園站,然後再坐公車到門口。)



A.You can take either the bus or the train to the museum. (如果要到博物館,坐公車或是搭電車都可以到。)


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