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– 燒餅夾蛋 Clay oven rolls with an egg inside


Clay oven rolls, coming from northern China, are a perfect option for breakfast.
– 火腿蛋餅  Chinese omelet with ham
火腿蛋餅加辣是我上班必吃的早點首選 I always have a spicy Chinese omelet with ham at breakfast.

– 豆漿 soy milk
無糖豆漿不但早餐可以吃,運動前吃也能補充蛋白質 Sugarless soy milk can be drunk at breakfast. It is also good for replenishing protein in the body before exercise.

– 米漿 Rice & peanut milk


Rice & peanut milk is flavored with peanut powder, so it tastes rich and aromatic.

– 蔥油餅 Flaky scallion pancake


Flaky scallion pancakes in Jiaoxi Township are very famous. On holidays, one has to wait in line for over half an hour to get one.


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