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職場社交DO&DON’T ,變身萬人迷(下)

Article/ T Ediitor

職場社交真的非常重要,但要如何打破僵局,特別是需要用英文與人對談時,可不要說著破英文結結巴巴,當你受邀出席某商務場合,結果發現在場的人你都不認識,以下這些對話就能派上用場了。此篇為職場社交DO&DON’T ,變身萬人迷(下),是能力雜誌與TutorABC共同企劃合作,請大家學下來,有機會能派上用場唷!


善於跟人交往的人通常會先準備2、3個開放式的問題(open-ended questions),不過,請記得問題不得太籠統(general),得讓對方覺得明確(specific)才行,把以下7個開放式問題學起來放口袋,下次就可以拿出來用囉!

1. What was the highlight of your weekend/day/holiday? (周末/今天/假日有遇到什麼有趣的事嗎?)

2. What tips would you give someone, who has never attended one of these events? (你會給從未參加過這類活動的人什麼建議?)

3. I may already know someone who could do business with you, what would your ideal client look like? (我或許能介紹幾個客戶給你,你理想的客戶具有那些條件呢?)

4. What’s your opinion on……? (你對這件事有什麼意見?)

5. What’s your favorite……(movie, sport, etc.)? (你最愛哪部電影、哪個運動?)

6. Your……looks great, where did you buy your……(jacket, tie, etc.)? (你的夾克、領帶好好看,在哪買的?)

7. What do you like most about living in……? (住在……哪一點最吸引你?)


Don’t do that! 小心交不到新朋友

DON’T   Don’t go to networking events with friends ;otherwise; you spend the whole event talking to no one but the people they already know. (別跟朋友一起去,不然你不會認識新朋友。)

DO   Don’t forget to follow up. Follow up with the people you connect with. Add their contact information to your address book or add them on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter. (保持聯絡,把新認識的朋友的連絡資訊加到通訊錄裡頭,或是在社交網站跟他們成為朋友。)



1. Don’t try to meet everyone in sight. Make sure to spend good quality time with a few people rather than a little time with a lot of people. (別急著認識每個人,貪多嚼不爛。)

2. Don’t be a stalker. Follow the 3/6 rule of networking: Contact a new person (online, never by phone) three times in a period of six weeks. If you don’t hear back, move on. (別緊迫盯人,遵循社交3/6原則:6個禮拜內跟新朋友線上聯絡3次,不打電話,如果沒有回音,換下一個。)

3. Don’t interrupt. Think about all the times you’ve been interrupted. It’s not fun. (別插嘴。只要回想一下別人插嘴的時候,就知道這一點也不有趣。)

4. Don’t be a card spammer. It’s never a good idea to work a room by handing out your cards or to quickly toss your card to someone who’s not asked for it. (與人相交別操之過急。想取得別人的好感,就別讓人感到壓迫感。)

5. Don’t talk so much. It’s almost always better to ask more questions than you’re answering. (—話別太多,與其回答問題還不如多問問題。)

6. Don’t use the words: pick your brain. The problem with asking, “Can I pick your brain?” is that it’s extremely vague, and it doesn’t sound all that good. If you’re going to make a request to someone for their time and look to build a long-term relationship, be specific. (別用「pick your brain」這個片語,因為太過模糊了,而且也不怎麼好聽。如果你要占用別人的時間,而且想跟對方培養長期的關係,講話就要明確點。)


pick your brain,字面意思是在你的腦子中挑東西,延伸之意識討教問題、挖別人腦袋中的寶。



1. prized非常重要的

例句:The child held the bag as tightly as if it were her most prized possession. (這個孩子把袋子抓得緊緊地,彷彿袋子是她最珍貴的物品一樣。)

2. icebreaker打破僵局的東西

例句:This game is an effective icebreaker at the beginning of a semester. (在學期初玩這個遊戲有助拉進彼此的距離。)

3. acquaintance 泛泛之交

例句:At the hotel, I made the acquaintance of an American businessman. (我在飯店認識了一位美國商人。)

4. networking建立人脈

例句:I’m hoping to do some networking at the conference next week in London. (我希望下禮拜能在倫敦的會議認識一些人。)



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